About Grow

Grow Investments manages quality investment solutions for investors in Indonesia. We leverage global expertise with local insights and strategically take calculated risks to grow our clients wealth.

The name "Grow Investments" is a nod to the philosophy of the brand to help clients grow their investments over time. It's a testament to the firm's relentless commitment to find better ways to support and serve investors through changing market conditions. It also symbolizes the firm's aspiration to flourish with its clients every step of the way.

The company was incorporated in 2017 prior to being renamed PT Grow Investments Indonesia in 2023.

Grow investments has the following licenses
  • Business License for a Securities Company conducting business as an Investment Manager based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority No. Kep-61/D.04/2017 dated 24 November 2017.
  • Business Licenses of Investment Advisor ("Investment Advisor License") Based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of OJK Number KEP-84/D.04/2019 dated 13 December 2019

Grow is Backed by Stockbit & Fullerton

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About Stockbit

Stockbit, founded in 2013, is a real-time platform for investors to share stock ideas and news. It has diversified into multiple businesses within the Indonesian capital markets:

  • In 2019, it launched Bibit, a leading mutual fund robo-advisory investment app in Indonesia.
  • In 2021, Stockbit entered the brokerage business as Stockbit Sekuritas Digital.
  • In 2023, it ventured into the investment management industry in collaboration with Fullerton Fund Management.

For details, visit bibit.id and stockbit.com.

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About Fullerton Fund Management

Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd (“Fullerton”) is an active investment specialist serving retail, private wealth and institutional clients. Incorporated in 2003, Fullerton is headquartered in Singapore, and has associated offices in Shanghai, Jakarta, and Brunei. Fullerton is part of a multi-asset management group, Seviora, a holding company established by Temasek. Income Insurance, a leading Singapore insurer, is a minority shareholder of Fullerton.

For more information, please visit fullertonfund.com

Board of Director & Board of Commissioners

Mark Yuen Hsien-ChinPresident Commissioner
Etty Retno WulandariIndependent Commissioner
Yenwy WongsoPresident Director
Andrew HandayaDirector of Business Development
MinaDirector, Chief Operating Officer

Organization Chart

As of 31 October 2024, PT Grow Investments Indonesia has 13 employees holding Investment Manager Representative license (WMI), 3 employees with Broker-Dealer Representative license (WPPE) and 1 employee with Mutual Fund Selling Agent Representative license (WAPERD).
organization chart
Beware of frauds under the guise of investment in the name of PT Grow Investments Indonesia. Make sure to always look at our official website before buying Mutual Funds of PT Grow Investments Indonesia. For more information on fraud warnings under the guise of investment read here